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    Now, you can get fast and free shipping for a whole range of products above INR 500. This service is available to all customers. Free shipping is one of the prerogatives of todayshopy.in. All packages are packaged well and delivered to your doorstep. If you are not present at that time, you could leave a note. We can also re-attempt the delivery at your chosen time. You can also avail of returns without any hindrance. Just pack the items in the same package and give us a request. Our Delivery partner will pick it up from the same place, as delivered. On receiving the product at our warehouse, we will offer you a refund. .

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    Helping our customers is high-priority for us. You are our most precious asset. We have a dedicated FAQ page, where you get all your common queries answered. You will also find demo videos for our products. We have shared most of them on social media channels. Additionally, you can reach out to us 24 x 7. We also provide live chat options. You can also send in an email. We will try to resolve your problem in the shortest possible time. We are always at your service through various modes of communication – phone, email, social media, and chat. We offer personalized services for all our customers.

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    We do not charge any customs or duty fees from our customers. You only pay for the product. The amount at checkout is the only payment you make, inclusive of taxes. The customs and duties levied by various authorities are taken care of by us. Moreover, our company is responsible for all clearances at airports. Our team ensures get the product lawfully imported to the destination. We are transparent in all our dealings with all parties concerned. Having customers to pay for customs and duty fees, is in violation of seller norms. And, we do not practice any such activity.

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    I have purchased a Realme Pro Android phone from the site. The packaging is just awesome. The company has ensured to use the bubble-wrap for ultimate protection. The site is also easy to navigate. Moreover, it is fast and easy. If you are technically-inclined, you should try browsing through the phones, laptops, and home appliances. You can also get the best and original batteries for your devices. The prices are what attracts people. And, todayshopy.in seems to have hit the bulls-eye. You will get the products at jaw-dropping prices. Moreover, they have excellent customer service. I will again purchase from them in future.

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    I was looking for a laptop online. Suddenly, I came across this site. Amongst the various brands available, Acer is doing good. So, gave a search. And, I got the best one available online. Acer One 14 Premium Gold has made my life easy. I got the delivery the very next day, too. That is simply unimaginable. After this affordable purchase, I can vouch for their credibility. I am also looking for a desktop for my daughter. Purchasing the desktop from todayshopy.in will be quite a great decision. Everyone at home thinks so. Buy one and find out today.

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    Todayshopy.in is one of the best places to buy your home appliances. They probably have the best appliances that will change, how you work in the kitchen. To top it, the staff is super-friendly on the other side. They also have offers galore. For people like us, who are working from home in this pandemic, there is no better place. I have purchased several appliances like mixers, grinders, and juices from the site. I was unable to operate the mixer and called up their helpline. And, the response was quick. I had not imagined that. So, I am their lifelong buyer now. .

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